It was great to have a family reunion over the weekend, arranged by my two youngsters. It was great fun – and gave me a few hours off work. Not me – surely!!!
Some PR people are great – and others leave a lot to be desired. I get so frustrasted when I write to people re an artist and get no response at all – not even a no they won’t do it. I am deighted that one of my favourite comedy stars has agreed to appear on my show. All will be revealed soon.
Saw Su Pollard in Annie at the Mayflower and loved her performance. We popped backstage to see her – and that was so much fun, as always. Loved her pink waistcoat.
This website is moved to another server on Wednesday Feb 23. It might be closed down just for a short time. If you have been trying and have only just got through. It should be fine from now on. We are back on now!
Have had my first interview-free week for several months – by choice. It has been a kind of holiday but I have still seen four shows and sorted out a few guests to aim for in the coming months