I enjoyed a Tuesday night interview for The Beacon with the Island’s most successful darts player of all time – Henry Barney. What a story he’s got!! If I had gone on Monday I would have been lucky enough to have missed the dreadful Aston Villa v Saints football match. What a bore!!
I went to the Bembridge Little Theatre’s production of No Time For Fig Leaves on Thursday night. It was not in the class of some of their past comedies in the village hall. A somewhat over-rated farce and only just over twenty turned up to watch. One lady completely stole the show and the more she came on the better it got.
The following night I went back to see the new version of Rumpy Pumpy at the Medina Theatre. The choice of such a large theatre was not a good idea as several of the cast could not project and many lines were missed by the audience. Once again, I was impressed by the songs but some of the actors from the previous production at the Apollo were clearly missed. It was fun to see Madame (Helen Clinton-Pacey) looking so young, in her wig, and she proved a very capable singer. I was not impressed by seeing a much respected Island actor being asked to stutter in one of his small cameo roles, sat in a wheelchair, so that a filthy word was clearly heard more than once. The low spot of the show for me.