Blog post


I had a great evening on Wednesday when I did a talk for the Creekside WI at Wootton. It was so well attended and they were a receptive audience and very hospitable. I wasn’t feeling that well but didn’t tell them.

I have been racing around this week trying to sort out the Island Amateur Theatre Awards evening at Shanklin Theatre. Thanks to some great help from the wonderful Alum Bay Glass and Gratton Partners, of Cowes, who engrave trophies, there will be some wonderful trophies for the winners.

Also during the week some amazing guests have been confirmed for future John Hannam Meets shows on IW Radio. Some will test my pacemaker!!!

Finished the week off by watching two great shows – and they were both from very different local amateur companies. The West Wight’s Curtain Up produced a most enjoyable variety show called Broadway Revue. Some super comedy routines. Then the following night I saw the Pirates of Penzance – the best G and S show I had seen from the Savoyardfs for many years – and there were young people in it, too!!! They were all so good.

After Sunday’s show I brought famous writer Philip Norman into our studio to pre-record a future John Hannam Meets. He began life in Ryde during the late 40s and has since written for The Times, Daily Express, the Daily Mail and numerous other national newspapers. His latest book is on the legendary Mick Jagger.