Thankfully, things are improving and you can see friends out of doors – which is such a delight.

It was a busy week for medical appointments. I had a blood test on Tuesday and a visit to the St Mary’s hip and knee department the following day..

I was thrilled to be asked by the County Press to include one or two of my Uffa Fox stories of him and the late Prince Philip, for a special page of Island memories of the Duke. I decided not to reveal my schoolboy story of when Prince Philip arrived for Cowes Week via a helicopter at the seafront green at East Cowes, near to Saunders Roe’s main factory. I happened to be the only person in the road and  as the Royal car drove by Philip gave me a personal wave. Quite a thrill for a 14 year old schoolboy.

Saturday was a day to celebrate. It was my daughter’s birthday and that of my partner, Roberta, who had a special birthday.  Bertie had an outside party for six and it was most enjoyable. I was the only man – so I did leave the garden to watch a little sport on TV for 30 minutes or so. I wasn’t missed – obviously!

Not for the first time my website designer and organiser, Mike Cox, came to my rescue. He runs the wonderful Open Sauce Systems in Cowes. These new flat screen TVs are a handful for us oldies. He set me up in no time at all.

Just made arrangements to meet a family member of one of my all time Island heroes, who died back in 1972. All will be revealed soon. It will be such an honour to write about a real local legend.

Just had a great photo  of Sean’s two year old twins. They are pictured.


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